Life evolves
Said so long to radio. Moved to Florida. Became a travel blogger. Digitized all my favorite Chicago radio bits and essays. Wrote a novel. And a book of Raves. Accordingly, I deleted everything that came before and started fresh.

Scroll and click on the cover images to order my books. And hey, if you like it and have a free moment, I’d sure welcome a short review on my Amazon page.
Key West radio reporter Milo Bird has quit his job to embrace island life in early retirement in the tropics. His plans are upended when his old boss persuades him to take one last assignment and investigate the baffling and savage murder of a local museum staffer.
Enlisting the help of his cadre of bar pals, together they uncover a stunning secret kept hidden for nearly a century. Milo and his allies become ensnared in an increasingly dangerous race against killers to be first to find a lost treasure of great value.
The next book is a collection of radio monologues (Dave’s Raves) written and performed daily over many years by Chicago news personality Dave McBride; a mix of witty wordplay, topical satire and observational humor. Click on the cover to order.
“If you…haven’t even heard of Dave McBride, all you need to know is this: The cleverest, most information-packed three minutes of radio in Chicago happens…when McBride, mild mannered journeyman broadcaster, is given an open mike and a license to rant, er, rave.”—Chicago Sun-Times.
“… a tightly-scripted string of pop-culture observations and parenthetical asides … a densely packed combination of obscure historical references and goofball tabloid stories; sentences so long and convoluted a whole flock of nuns could spend an hour diagramming just one.”—Chicago Tribune
“Best Three Minutes on Chicago Radio… a verbose symphony of rambling non-sequiturs, odd lexicography, random quotes and freakishly obtuse vocabulary, plus some bizarre science and history facts thrown in for good measure. While the results are only occasionally intelligible, they’re almost always fabulously entertaining.”—Newcity
Said so long to radio. Moved to Florida. Became a travel blogger. Digitized all my favorite Chicago radio bits and essays. Wrote a novel. And a book of Raves. Accordingly, I deleted everything that came before and started fresh.
I posted tons of travel blogs and videos here. Like this view of agave fields in the Jalisco mountains. Click the photo to fly instantly to Mexico. Click “Travel writing” above and find them all. And anywhere you go, a click on the palm trees at the top will bring you back to this page.
I’ll load way too many spoken essays and vintage radio bits into my jukebox below. And then I’ll add too many more. Click the menu up top to tune to the Steve Dahl Show on 105.9 WCKG. Or click on this photo of Cerveza Dave at a Mexican resort to dial the wayback machine to the Murphy in the Morning Show on Chicago’s Q-101. More stuff to come. Don’t be a stranger.
Dave is a veteran newsman and an affable fellow. I appeared, I mean he appeared, on both the popular Murphy in the Morning Show and the Steve Dahl Show on Chicago drive-time radio over a span of more than two decades.
After trading frozen Februarys for the agreeable embrace of the tropical Gulfstream breezes rustling through swaying palm trees, I, I mean he, worked on South Florida radio until the moment his first AFTRA pension check appeared in his mailbox. Former radio pal Ali Gerakaris then enlisted him and his lifetime sidekick Anita to travel to various all-inclusive resorts in Mexico and the Caribbean to share our experiences with loyal clients of Apple Vacations.
As a hermit enclosed in a pandemic cocoon with our needs seen to by the Amazonian man and the angels of Instacart, I, he began a book project, writing a fiction novel adhering to the proposition one should write what you know. So it is set in the saloons of Key West. Many hours of research there. Please click on the book cover at the top of the page to order it in either tangible or digital form. Dave hopes you like it.
Also, if you are by nature altruistic and appreciate the content I’ve given freely and without toll, I would not say no to any donation to help with web host maintenance through PayPal at the email address above. If you pay, you’ll sure as shootin’ be my pal! Be not dismayed by the name David Pollock. It is my secret identity.